Imagine the speed of Markdown with the usability of Keynote. Create beautiful slides by typing them,
then animate and style them with smart UI.
Hyperdeck is a new app that combines the best of both worlds in one iPad
/ macOS app. With top notch support for source code, tables, and animations.
Assisted Editing
Creating slides in markdown becomes boring quickly. You might want to add a transition here, change a
font size there or add a background color. Remembering the syntax for this feels like a chore; more
programming, less slide-making.
Hyperdeck lets you write markdown and adorn it with styles via an easy-to-use UI.
You can even reorder, delete or duplicate slides within the editor.
Source Code
Have you ever added source code to Keynote slides? It is painful. Either you use screenshots, or styled
text, but as soon as you want to edit it, because you found a bug, you have to do it all over again.
Hyperdeck understands code. It knows 121 languages, does syntax highlighting, has different themes,
custom backgrounds, allows changing font sizes (even during your presentation) and can highlight specific
lines while you're presenting.
Hyperdeck supports Markdown Tables and advanced table editing: You can change the theme, jump from cell
to cell, insert or delete rows or columns, and even auto indent the table.
Hyperdeck comes with a set of fresh presentation themes. They're optimized for different aspect ratios
and some even feature beautiful animated backgrounds.
(Note that the current beta only comes with a subset of themes.)
A Smart Markdown Editor
Imagine a text editor that understands presentation Markdown. Select a headline by tapping in the
preview or change the headline font size with a slider.
Hyperdeck knows where each element is located in the source code, and which attributes to apply.
The editor also goes out of your way if you don't want to tap around. Every UI action can also be achieved
via markdown attributes. See the presentation
mardown docs here.
In the current beta, Hyperdeck comes with 3 themes, but many more will be included for the final version.
Themes are not only distinguished by colors and fonts, they can also contain animated backgrounds
or stock images to achieve beautiful results.
Source Code
Hyperdeck understands 121 languages, highlights them, and allows you to animate them on your
You can tell Hyperdeck which lines should appar first, and you can highlight specific lines to raise
important points. Even the text editor in Hyperdeck features shortcuts and automatic indent in order to
make code editing as pleasant as possible.
Helpful UI
In Hyperdeck you don't have to edit markdown attributes by hand.
Hyperdeck contains rich UI to simplify the setting of animations and transitions.
iPadOS and macOS
Hyperdeck works on iPadOS and macOS*. So you can save your presentations in iCloud and edit them on your
iPad or on your Mac, depending on the situation.